А purely decentralized Internet would allow its users to create or get access to a public or private informational worldwide network with a guarantee not to be spammed, interrupted or attacked by a third party at all.
Semantic Normalizer (SN) would improve the user's Internet search experience and diminish search time greatly. SN eliminates double-answering and double meaning problems. It is a part of the architectural solution of ArLLecta and requires no additional pre-installations. We propose a solution to the nontransparent and domain-centered Internet problem using a decentralized sense-to-sense network.
S2S network allows creating public or private zones for business or personal needs. The data of each user, individual or corporate, is decoded and published only by direct permission of copyright holder.
The architecture of S2S network prevents the centralization of its data by a single user. However, each user can create or join or leave any zone of the network. The main task of the S2S network is to give each user a possibility for a quick sense-focused search and save its data from unauthorized third parties.